Band of Brothers vertelt het persoonlijke verhaal van de soldaten van deze bijzondere eenheid de Easy Company tijdens de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Het boek is gebaseerd op interviews met de weinige overlevenden van Easy Company, aangevuld met brieven en dagboeknotities van de soldaten zelf.
Stephen Ambrose schilderde een haarscherp en aangrijpend beeld van de lotgevallen van deze helden
The facts in this book are very interesting, and made me buy the series on DVD. But the writing is not very enticing. If you're not familiar with military jargon (like me), it's difficult to process all the lingo. Also, the book is obviously meant to be a very factual representation of what happened, but at the same time I couldn't help but think the author is way too much impressed by the veterans he interviewed to also add a critical note where needed. You can tell he has put them on a pedestal, by the way he presents them as heroes and their stories exclusively as heroic. The books lacks a nuanced view on the ugly side of war, the sense of uselessness and the atrocities - the kind of view which I did get in Always an Eagle, that other classic on American war history.