Nineteen-year-old Kuroko, an orphaned kitsune, survives in the gang-ridden slums of Itazura by stealing. When he steals from Inari Okami, the Goddess of Foxes, her elite warriors thwart and capture him.
The Goddess of Foxes curses Kuroko. As punishment for stealing from her, he must venture into the Underworld to reclaim her sacred blades. If he refuses, or fails, she will imprison his soul for all eternity. She assigns Hikaru, the arrogant, perfectionist kitsune who captured him, to be Kuroko’s guide. Their constant bickering walks a dangerous line between loathing and lust, but Kuroko can’t decide whether to kill the infuriatingly noble, principled male, or kiss him.
On the path to regain Inari Okami’s sacred swords, Kuroko bathes with a half-naked man, causes a divorce, starts a war, and must decide whether his soul is even worth saving.