This is a page-turning pyschological thriller with the gripping plot of Girl On A Train and the chilling suspense of Before I Go To Sleep...
There are three things no-one can prepare you for when your daughter is murdered: - You are haunted by her memory day and night - Your friends and family fear you are going mad - Only in a group with mothers of other victims can you find real comfort. But as the parents gather to offer each other support in the wake of another disappearance, a crack appears in the group that threatens to rock their lives all over again. Welcome to the club no one wants to join.
There are three things no-one can prepare you for when your daughter is murdered: - You are haunted by her memory day and night - Your friends and family fear you are going mad - Only in a group with mothers of other victims can you find real comfort. But as the parents gather to offer each other support in the wake of another disappearance, a crack appears in the group that threatens to rock their lives all over again. Welcome to the club no one wants to join.