the island of Curacao. Colombian drug dealers are the designated
assassins. Local politicians and their police minions are adamant that no
one among the island bigwigs can be responsible for the crime.
Pieter Van Veld finds a way to escape the confinement of his marriage.
Adriaan Van Tienhoven can finally follow his true nature; dump his family
in The Netherlands for a Colombian waiter on Aruba. Kevin Chesterton
exchanges his employment at a lawyers office in Washington for a life in
the Caribbean. Lord Barnsbys plan challenges these men and their
business associates to risk everything.
The Dutch police are changing. Berk, a Dutch inspector, regards these
changes with regret. His boss has enough of Berks reluctance to
conform, and seizes the first opportunity to send him of to Curacao as
part of an exchange programme.
Some dreams come true and some lives come to a premature end.
Inspector Berk discovers new pleasures and old truths.