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The Inclusion Marathon

In recent years, more and more organisations have realised that diversity and inclusion in the workplace is both crucial and enormously beneficial. But how do you stop this realisation from remaining empty words and flashy statements, and turn awareness into action?
In 'The Inclusion Marathon', Kauthar Bouchallikht and Zoƫ Papaikonomou interview 41 practitioners and researchers about their knowledge and experience within the field of diversity, equity and inclusion in the Netherlands. These experts discuss different approaches and the bumps and barriers they come across. 'The Inclusion Marathon' is a revealing book exploring the persistent lack of diversity and equity within many organisations. At the same time, it is a constructive, concrete guide to how organisations may become more diverse, equitable and inclusive.
'The Inclusion Marathon' is an extensive English summary of the Dutch book 'De inclusiemarathon'.
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Leen (27) zit gevangen in een kelder. Pas als hij zelf begrijpt waarom, zal zijn moeder hem vrijlaten. Literaire thriller. Spannend en aangrijpend. Vakantietip!

Stemmen laat de kracht van taal laat zien. Bijzonder knap hoe Boekwijt erin slaagt warmte en kou en hoop en verdriet in enkele zinnen te vangen.

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