'John Burningham has provided us with the panacea to take the sting out of advancing years. Reading his book makes you almost want to get into the state of being an "older person". It should be read by everyone over thirty' Richard Wilson
Doris Lessing, Denis Healey, Tom Finney, Ronald Searle, Ivor Cutler, Vera Lynn, Patrick Moore, Claire Rayner and many others contribute to John Burningham's delightful book with the wisdom and wit that comes with age. These triumphant celebrations of getting older are woven in with a fitting collection of quotations from Cicero, Shakespeare and Robert Redford to name but a few, and fifty brilliant drawings by Burningham himself.
Doris Lessing, Denis Healey, Tom Finney, Ronald Searle, Ivor Cutler, Vera Lynn, Patrick Moore, Claire Rayner and many others contribute to John Burningham's delightful book with the wisdom and wit that comes with age. These triumphant celebrations of getting older are woven in with a fitting collection of quotations from Cicero, Shakespeare and Robert Redford to name but a few, and fifty brilliant drawings by Burningham himself.