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Heel indrukwekkend historisch verslag

Hanneke 25 juli 2024
It has been a long time that I read such an immensely interesting historical report. I have to make up my mind whether I want to post a review and, if so, go into extensive details or give a general impression.
On second thought, I think I cannot do this study proper justice in a review at the moment as this historical narration somehow shook me to the core. Therefore, I recommend it to those readers who are also very WW2 interested, as it is describing Germany’s state of destitute existence in the years after the war which almost feel that you get a view of an existence that feels astonishingly like a completely alien world. A world in ruins, where you, as a reader, try to grasp what it meant to roam around in a devastated country and your only worry was how to get a place to sleep and not starve to death. Mr. Jähner dealt with subjects per chapter of the most urgent issues and also presents the viewpoints from the Allied Forces as well as the Germans in a clear narrative.

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